Rules to Crazy 8's
Jenni and I have taken to playing Crazy 8's and we've gotten into arguments over the rules for handling the 2's
I say 2's are pick up 2. Another 2 on top is pick up 4 etc...
J says another two cancels the first and makes the other person pick up 4, etc...
I need to know! Who's right?
We've even taken to changing some of the other rules now too. Ie. Can't end with an 8, person can cut in right at the beginning if they have the same card of another suit before the person who was supposed to start goes but has to say "CUT".
It's reminding me more and more of EXTREME UNO...we're even getting more rowdy! I think the drinking portion may start soon too! ;P
What other rules can we add?
If someone plays a 2, say someone named Jenni, then you gotta pick up 2. But, if then you play a 2 on top of that, then the next person has to pick up 4. If there's only 2 of you, and that next person happens to be Jenni again, then she's gotta pick up 4, etc. etc.
Other rules? I remember playing queen of spades picks up 5. Jacks makes the other skip a turn, multiple jacks mean multiple turns skipped. And there was another card to play that makes the direction change, but that doesn't really do much for a two person game.
Jeez I'll do anything to distract me from writing these journal articles.
Hank Liao, at 6:20 a.m.
Jenni is right! Jenni is always right! :P
Anonymous, at 2:57 p.m.
a second two is pick up four, totally. no cancelling. what's that??! jenni's trying to pull a fast one.
a twist to the game is "crazy 8 countdown". once you finish all ur cards, then you pick up 7 cards. "seven" becomes the card to change suits on, and continue playing as normal. continue this with 6,5,4,3,2,1. then you win. def'n a much longer version. try "crazy king countdown" for those long train rides. enjoy!
Anonymous, at 4:36 p.m.
forgot to include my name on the crazy 8 countdown...
it's me, newton!
Anonymous, at 4:37 p.m.
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