IndyJunior © Bryan Boyer

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Should've, Could've, Would've

Looks like we may be hitting a bit of a snag in our plans soon.

I didn't really give it much thought before we left but it's looking like almost every country in Africa requires a tourist visa. Now normally, it's not that big a deal to get the visa's but it is if you only have 4 empty pages left in your passport!


Live and learn. For anyone doing extended trips, think about gettting a brand new passport before heading out. The thing I didn't count on was you have one page for the visa, then the customs person takes another page to stamp your entry and exit. Now I did try to get the Indian customs guy to put his stamp on a used page but all he did was stare at me blankly and proceed to take up another precious empty page.

Thanks buddy.

Looks like we're heading into town tomorrow to visit the Canadian Embassy to see what options we may have.


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