IndyJunior © Bryan Boyer

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Crotchless pants aren't just for adults!

It would seem that diapers are not available here in China. Probably better since the population is so large, there would not be enough space to throw them away. Anyways, almost all the kids have slits down the center of their pants and whenever they need to go, they go. Right in the street, while walking (and spraying everyone at the same time), where ever. You see a lot of kids squatting in the middle of the street doing No. 1. I haven't actuall seen a No. 2 yet, but I think Jenni saw one the other day.

Quite amusing I think.


  • Ewwwwwww! Crotchless pants?? That's so gross! The stench alone must be unbearable! Does nobody wipe anymore? ;)--Sujin

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:57 a.m.  

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